..The Intuitive Times
Healing the Heart


Meditation Part 3

by Sandra Church, M.E.(Psychology)

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The practice of meditation can increase your ability to concentrate as well as give you the gift of noticing more about life around you. Students can benefit from mediation breaks by remembering what they are studying better. Artists often say they feel more creative, see colours more brightly and are more excited about their work.

Children can be taught to meditate just as part of an everyday experience, especially if it is kept simple and short. Even pets like to join someone when they meditate. Those who practice Yoga often include meditation as a regular part of their practise. Yoga postures and exercises are often considered to be meditative. Many Eastern forms of exercise such as Tai Chi, Tai Kwon Do and Karate also incorporate meditative techniques.

Meditation is used for many reasons. The intention is important, even if it is just to relax. The following are some reasons to meditate:
1. Physical Healing - many individuals experiencing a chronic disease such as cancer, use meditation to visualize their healing;
2. Goal Setting - exploring future possibilities. Meditation can help make the imagination more vivid, allowing you to experience in your mind’s eye how different possibilities feel;
3. Understanding Relationships - during and after meditation, when you are peaceful, rested and clear minded, it is a good time to reflect on how different people fit into your life;
4. Changing Negative Thinking - meditation helps you to see and focus on the positives in your life. Positive thoughts lead to positive plans which lead to positive action.

In Part I, we started our meditation with a simple breathing exercise. The next simple method is to use a mantra. A mantra is a sound or word to focus on, to fill the mind - leaving no room for unwanted thoughts. Many eastern practices use the word OM. OM, not unlike the word, AMEN, is considered to be a sacred word and sound.

A mantra can also be a phrase such as I am at peace. A mantra can be a positive affirmation which you create to assist you in reaching your goals. Many churches have books of devotions which can be a good starting place to create your own personalized affirmations, thoughts and prayers. You can use any holy book to find more suggestions for positive affirmations.

With the help of your pastor, spiritual counsellor or counsellor you can create a mediation tape which suits your needs in developing appropriate words for your affirmations. Positive affirmations can be about spiritual or personal growth to assisting you in focussing on a particular sports skill.

Along with your breathing, find a mantra, words or phrases to assist you along your path of personal and spiritual growth. An example may be, I am a worthy person. Find something that fits your life. Say this at least 3 times twice a day. Sunset and sunrise are the ideal times, but choose a regular time that suits your schedule. Keep a journal of your affirmations, thoughts and behavioural changes.


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