..The Intuitive Times
Connecting to Spirit


Communications with our Animal Companions

by Maggie Carruthers

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Today is Valentine's Day, 2002. A day full of expectations, yet I feel quietly blessed because I have learned yet another important lesson in the art of loving. As I left for work this morning, I was struck by the endless love my animal companions give me - how this affects my heart's spirit every day - so I stopped to take a moment to send a special Valentine's message of gratitude and appreciation to them for their love and support. These moments of appreciation are so very important. They help seal the bond between us - human and animal. Our animal companions create a place in time that enriches every part of us and give us memories that will be recalled with even greater love in the future.

I am sure to those of you reading this article who have shared your life with an animal companion are well aware of some of the ways in which we communicate love to them such as a pat on the head or a well placed rub in the favorite spot that only you know. You have a "knowing" about your animal - beyond dates, events, and feeding times. This knowing reaches to the intuitive level. It is here, in the day-to-day routine and "knowing" that we discover we are actually communicating with our animal.

But we can fine tune our communication. Thought is an unseen form of energy that goes where ever you send it. It is picked up by anyone who is "listening intuitively" - like your animal companion. The recipient receives this energy and translates it using their own interpretation system. So becoming aware of what and how you think is an important first step in sending out meaningful messages and energy . The quality of thought is important. Consider for a moment how often today you have had hurried, critical or stress-filled thoughts. Each can have an significant impact on your health and your animal companion's well being.

Take a moment over the next few many days, and when away from your animal friend , send thoughts or images of love, appreciation, or plans to play when you get home. They will receive the message and you might find a change in them. Certainly, you will notice a change in yourself because you've taken a break from the bombardment of your thoughts to quietly say, "Thank you. I am with you. I share this moment with you." or "I love having you in my life... I can't wait to be with you again."

I think this connection results in the greatest benefit of consciously communicating with animals - for at that moment, in the act of appreciation, your spirit unites with that of the animal, blessing both human and animal, reinforcing the connectedness of all living things.

Behavioral and mood problems may be helped with learning to hear your animal's side of a story. With practice you can go from "knowing" to receiving clear messages, maybe as single words or images or full conversations. As in learning a new language, you begin building a dictionary of symbols, words, and interpretations. Animals understand what we say to them because communicating is more than just words - it includes inflections, emotions and other energies transmitted with spoken words. Misunderstandings are possible so be sure to ask questions and listen quietly for the answers. This is not a place for self-doubt or impatience. Leave the door to your heart open, quiet your mind - you will be surprised how quickly you'll proceed.

The finest art of loving is found in PLAY! Play is an essential form of communication that transmits the message: "I love you. I value you so much I want to play with you". Love, trust, honor, and the magic of imagination coexist in the act of play. My experience has taught me that play is the easiest, purest form of communication which I believe is conveyed on a higher energy level than that of regular communication.

And at the end of play comes rest, maybe even a nap together - time to allow this special form of love you have communicated to each other to seep through body, mind and soul rooting itself in the heart.

Maggie Carruthers is an Animal Communicator and Registered (ATTN) Therapeutic Touch Practitioner with wild, domestic and companion animal communicating experience in Dartmouth, N.S.


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