..The Intuitive Times
Spirituality Articles


Message Circle: A Connection to Spirit

by Rev. Barry King

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I have worked as a Spirit medium now for over 20 years. In that time, I have had the joy of bringing to thousands of people guidance and messages from the Spirit side which were both concrete and confirmational. It is a wonderful thing to stand with a foot in both worlds and to share with people the absolute truth that we are eternal and that there is no death. In addition to individual, private readings, one of the ways that we share messages with people is through the message circle.

A message circle is not like what you would imagine a seance to be. There is no atmosphere of dramatics or the mysterious. It is not a show but it is an opportunity to receive messages and guidance from the heaven world and from loved ones in Spirit. There is no need any more for a gypsy-like medium sitting with a group of white-knuckled frightened sitters around a table holding hands. The message circle has no eerie voices or physical spirit manifestations. The lights are on and people sit comfortably in a circle in an uplifting and serene setting. For some, the message circle will be their introduction to spirit communication and confirmation of something beyond this life while to others it is a way to enjoy the company of like-minded people.

The session begins with a short discussion of the nature of Spirit and spirit communication. If people have questions about the phenomena, they have the opportunity to ask and the medium will share his or her understanding with those attending. With regards to the messages, it has been my experience that Spirit knows the issues and questions in people's minds and messages usually address them for each person in order of importance. Participants receive approximately a ten minute message. Messages provide guidance and insight, and sometimes connect people to loved ones on the other side. There are no dramatics and messages are given in a loving and gentle manner respecting the individual's privacy and their right to chose their own path. A message circle is not fortune-telling and is grounded in the sincere desire to receive personal proofs and connect to the heaven world. Although the past and future may be discussed, messages are usually grounded in the present providing guidance and support for the individual. Spirit does talk about the future but in a constructive and empowering way.

If you are interested in experiencing spirit communication and learning more about Spirit-related phenomena join me for a Message Circle. We usually conduct them the last Tuesday of each month. To give you a better sense of the experience, we have asked some past participants to share their thoughts on the experience.

Message Circle by Marie Nantes, Charlottetown

As I enter the King's Wellness Center, I behold luscious green plants circling the room, exquisite stained-glass radiating a kaleidoscope of colours and candles burning softly casting a warm glow over the walls. My ears are greeted by the soothing sounds of rippling water as it cascades down a beautiful fountain in the corner whose base is supported by a lovely angel.

This atmosphere of sheer tranquility sets the tone for an experience - receiving messages. In this heavenly environment Rev. Barry King directs our group of six people to be seated in a circle and relax. After a short discussion on the nature of Spirit phenomena, he addresses each member of the group one by one. He summarizes what is affecting each of us personally at that moment in our lives - physically, socially and spiritually. He touches on our family, friends, workplace and other relevant personal encounters. As he speaks, he brings insight and understanding to what is happening now and what we may encounter in the future. Through these messages, we in the group are directed, advised and counselled regarding events and people in our lives and those from the past.

During this time, Rev. King asked us to confirm our understanding of the message and invites questions. After hearing my personal message, I have a great appreciation for why people do what they do and why phenomena occurs as it does. I, as well as the other members of the group, leave this tranquil setting with a deeper sense of who we are and our journey. Left with a deep sense of peace, we all realize that the universe is unfolding as it should.

Connecting to Spirit by Sandi Reddin, Charlottetown

This summer, in a company of a few favourite friends, I participated in a message circle offered by Rev. Barry King. I took the opportunity to ask Rev. King about an ancestor I had become especially interested in. I gave him only her name and asked for any thoughts or impressions it brought to his mind. I offered to share her story, as I new it, afterwards.

Rev. King surprised even me, although I had had several readings with him before that night. His impressions was that "Eliza" was a young and beautiful woman from the past, above all determined, with hair swept up and somewhat unruly, whose first husband was without question the love of her life. He also felt great sadness and suggested that she had had a difficult life. He noted that she was happy and whole on the spirit-side and that she was now with the love of her life.

I confirmed that "Eliza" was indeed a very determined young woman who at 18 years of age participated in an elaborate plan to elope with her first husband, a sea captain before he sailed away to the California Gold Rush in 1849. The hair style that Rev. King described suited the times and certainly living by the sea, the notion of unruly hair, seems quite credible. "Eliza" waited over a year for word from her husband. A letter finally arrived informing her that her husband had died and that she was now a widow. Her grief was extreme and while she eventually married twice more, local opinion was that she never got over the loss of her first love, the one that Rev. King saw close beside her in the heaven world.

The Message Circle by Susan Eaton, Charlottetown

In the message circle setting, messages are discrete, yet they are also personal and relevant and are given with a positive, encouraging interpretation. Barry and Sandi are very willing to answer questions participants may have about specific messages or about matters of Spirit in general.

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